
Assessments are a vital part of understanding and addressing mental health concerns. They help to identify underlying issues, track progress, and tailor treatment plans to individual needs. Through formal and informal interviews, observations, assessments and outcome measures which provide valuable insights that guide our therapeutic interventions.

Comprehensive Mental Health Assessments

Abby provides comprehensive mental health assessments designed to evaluate your overall mental well-being. This thorough evaluation helps identify any underlying issues and informs the development of personalised treatment plans tailored to your specific needs.

The assessment includes a detailed review of your mental health history, diagnosis (es), current symptoms, medication, level of physical activity, nutrition and quality of sleep. As well as your background, family history, traumatic events, psycho-social circumstances (e.g. Cultural expectations, finances, housing, social connections/supports, belonging to a marginalised community, family violence, substance use as well as a Mental State Examination to assess your mood, thoughts, behaviours, perception, cognitive, orientation, judgement and any immediate risks to yourself or others. To ascertain whether we are the appropriate service for you.

We explore how your mental health may be limiting your ability to plan, initiate and complete tasks, follow routines and engage in your usual occupational roles (Artist, Friend, Student) which give you purpose and meaning. While considering the impact different physical, sensory, psycho-social and community environments

Interpersonal Relationships, Social connection and engagement Assessments

To assess social connections, interpersonal effectiveness and different/preferred communication to assist with the therapeutic process (Phone, Telehealth, in person, no eye contact through art or movement.) As well as identify areas of need including:

Communication and engagement in personal relationships with family, friends, partners, peers, co-workers, and social and professional connections.

Capacity to express your needs and make your point effectively in different social settings e.g. At work, in an appointment, at Centrelink, when talking to your partner, or a family member.

The assessment process assists to create interventions which include strategies such as:

Assertiveness skills, Building healthy boundaries, Conflict resolution and self-expression and communication through other mediums such as via phone, emails, social media, Zoom, Journaling, art forms and music to support individuals with communication styles

Sensory & Interoception Assessments

Understanding how you process sensory information is crucial for managing daily challenges. Abby offers a range of Sensory Assessments including the Sensory Profile, Sensory Preference Checklist and the SPM-2 and the Interoception Sensory Questionnaire, Multidimensional Assessment of Interoception (MAIA) and Kelly Mahler’s Assessment of Interoception. To assess your Sensory Profiles (Neurological Sensitivities & Hypo-Sensitivities to different Sensory input, your sensory preferences and aversions as well as your behavioural responses to internal and external sensory input (Sensory seeking & Avoidance.)

We can also assess different sensory environments such as where you live, social settings, community spaces e.g. Supermarket and CBD, where you study, work to understand whether they are conducive or a barrier for you to function at your full capacity

The assessment considers covers all eight senses: Including the external senses- Auditory, Gustatory, Olfactory, Tactile & Visual and our internal senses- Interoception (internal body states), Proprioception (body position) and the Vestibular System (balance.)

The insights assist with creating safe sensory environments through strategies or adapting spaces to enhance your functional capacity in various occupational roles e.g. Setting your room up with a lamp, a plant, calming music and a candle to create a calming retreat away from the stress associated with sensory overload when catching public transport to and from work. Wearing noise cancelling headphones, wearing tinted glasses, and playing with a Rubix cube may be part of your Sensory plan to regulate your emotions and increase your ‘Window of Tolerance’ to assist with remaining focussed when you arrive at work.

Cognitive and Executive Functioning Assessment

Assessing cognitive and executive functioning is essential for understanding how you manage tasks, make decisions, and regulate your behaviour. Abby provides assessments that evaluate your attention, memory, problem-solving skills, and ability to plan and organise. These insights guide interventions to improve your cognitive abilities and executive functioning.

Functional Assessments

Functional behavior assessments aim to identify the reasons behind certain behaviors and how they impact your life. Abby uses this assessment to understand the purpose of specific behaviors and develop positive behavior support plans. These plans are designed to replace challenging behaviors with more constructive alternatives, enhancing your overall quality of life.

Establishing effective routines and habits is vital for maintaining stability and reducing stress. Abby offers assessments that evaluate your current routines and habits, identifying areas for improvement. This assessment helps in developing personalised strategies to create and maintain productive habits and routines, enhancing your productivity and improve your daily life.

Routine and Habit Assessment

Ready to Start Your Journey?

We are here to support you every step of the way. Reach out to book an appointment or for any inquiries.